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Rustiani Widiasih, M.Pd


The purpose of this paper is to describe English Day Program in SMA BAKKTi Ponorogo. . In this study the researcher used descriptive qualitative methods. The data collected in this study using three data collection techniques are: Questionnaire. Interviews, and observations. With this technique the authors hope to be able to prove the suitability of respondents' answers in questionnaires and interviews with reality. Data processing in this study is Editing, it is the initial stage after obtaining data from questionnaires and interviews. Technique of data analysis used processing result of interview which have been done at the time of spreading of questioner.  SMA BAKTI is a school that apply English day Program. On that day the whole school  practicing English, both oral and written. The  students and teachers spending a great time sharing activities  and speaking in English. English Day is able to enhance student’s interests in learning English. English Day should be prepared specifically in fostering the students to master English. English Day implementation will be carried out every certain day. There are several requirements that should be prepared so the English Day will run well. They are: A “Punishment” Room, Mr. “Punishment”, evidence’s card, spy, “Punishment Box”, and of course a system regulation.

Key words: English day, school Culture

English is widely used as a second language and a foreign language including Indonesia.  As a foreign language, English is taught as one of the subjects at schools.  The use of the English language in school is important to bring students proficient in communicating internationally. English is one of the basic elements that must be mastered in the era of globalization. There are many reasons why English is important. English spread across almost the entire world. Many countries  use English as the main language of communication. Not only that,  English is also widely used as a second language and a third language including Indonesia
English is a means of communication between peoples and countries so  is very important to be mastered actively. English is the global language in all aspects of life; schools, commerce, politics and tourism. The use of the English language worldwide makes this language more and more rooted in the community.
Learning English is not difficult but  also not easy. When the students are asked about what was the most difficult subjects, in addition to math they would answer English.  Although English is already taught since elementary school but students still consider English is a difficult subject. Actually what is the problem that English is hard to learn? An expert in the teaching of English Douglas Brown said that if we want to learn English, we should make English as part of  lives, which means that we should try to use English in our lives.
English is taught in  limited time in a senior high school. Whereas, studying  a foreign language need a lot of time. English is different from other subject  studied in schools such as mathematics, chemistry, physics, et cetera. English is a set of skills because English is a tool used by humans to communicate to others. It must be used or practiced in daily life to become an expert. There is no quick way to learn English. Just like  as a chefs need to practice cooking every day, a great musician also need to exercise every day.  There should be solution to that problem. English Day program could be one of good and effective solutions to improve English skill toward students. The implementation of English Day is an effective strategy to develop student’s English proficiency level.  English Day program  involved the students and teachers as well.
. "English day"  is an effective solution to master English. SMA BAKTI PONOROGO ever applied “English Day” Program and run  well. The writer intent to do the research about how the English Program in SMA BAKTI Ponorogo is applied become school culture.

            The research was conducted in SMA BAKTI Ponorogo. In this study the researcher used descriptive qualitative methods. The data collected in this study using three data collection techniques are: Questionnaire. Interviews, and observations. The questionnaire used is a closed questionnaire. Closed questionnaires are questionnaires whose answers are predetermined so that respondents cannot or do not have the opportunity to add another answer (Singarimbun and Effendi, 1989: 177). Interview. Interviews were conducted using interview guides consisting of 15 questions, to respondents  (the headmaster, tearhers, and students of SMA BAKTI) who had filled out questionnaires. This interview aims to clarify the questionnaire data that has been obtained from the respondents. Observation is a way of collecting data by plunging and looking directly into the field (SMA BAKTI), against the object being studied or the population. With this technique the authors hope to be able to prove the suitability of respondents' answers in questionnaires and interviews with reality. Data processing in this study is Editing, it is the initial stage after obtaining data from questionnaires and interviews. Technique of data analysis used processing result of interview which have been done at the time of spreading of questioner.

Each school has a different school culture and have not the same way in building a school  culture. Differences in this way that describes their "uniqueness" of the school culture. School culture affect the dynamics of the school. School culture also affect the speed of the school in response to changes depending on the ability of the school in designing school organization. The school is a social system that has a unique organization and patterns of social relations among its members that are unique as well. It's called school culture. School culture is not only the responsibility of the school authorities. Schools can work with other parties, such as family and community to define the pattern of school culture (Ariefa Efianingrum, 2007: 51).
According Zamroni (2006: 15)  culture can be defined as the quality of life of a school that grew and developed based on the spirit and values ​​espoused certain school. So school culture can be interpreted as an internal quality-setting, environment, atmosphere, taste, nature and climate are perceived by all people. Usually the school culture is displayed in the form of how principals, teachers and other education personnel work, learn and relate to each other so that a school tradition. English Day  pragram in SMA BAKTI is one example of good school culture. The participants came from all students, teachers and employees.
English day is one day among the six days of learning at school when it is compulsory for students to use English to communicate, both among students, students with teachers, administration, seller and averyone at school.  Within one day students are forced to practice speaking and writing in English. Because all within the scope involved in this will eliminate the shame or fear of being wrong in learning because many people learn too. Implementation of the program can socialize English language among students. In addition, this could also attract students to learn and love English and improve English speaking skills. English day is an effective effort to get used the students to use English in their life.
To achieve the successfulness of English day program in SMA BAKTI, the first thing that should be done is train the headmaster, the teachers, and all staff in speaking English. English teachers can be the trainer.  Besides that, it is required some support device such as the English vocabulary that is placed around the classes and school environment. The students assigned to simulate and practice in everyday life, especially in the implementation of English day because English Day Program carried one day in  a week.
There are many alternative activities in English day. The activities in the rest time for example are listening to music and watch a movie together. Watching movies together is not just watching the flow of the movie but also learned English by listening to the dialogue and to find a translation. Other activities are: chatting and interviewing, picture labeling, English song appreciation, Proverb exchanging, Yell writing, yell competition, games, English film appreciation, Story telling, Debate, Wall magazine writing, English recount presentation, and many others.
English Day should be prepared before the implementation will be carried out every certain day. There are several requirements that should be prepared so the English Day will run well. They are:
a. System regulation.
The school has very important rule in designing English day program. The headmaster and the teachers plan the program and make the rules together. It is very important to make rules. School regulation is needed to active and discipline students to obey the rules that have been created. Because it involves many people may not all be directly adhere to use English to communicate.  It is necessary also in charge of the monitoring team to monitor the progress of learners. The school must also think about what should be done if there are students who do not adhere to using English
b. Spy
Spy is a person who secretly collects and reports information about the students. A spy job is to secretly obtain information and secretly keeps watch on and others. All teachers become spy. The students in turn become spy based on the schedule. The spy write the evidence of disobey students on the evidence’s card. Then he/she puts the cards into the Punishment box.

c. Mr. “Punishment”
Mr. Punishment is someone whose job is collecting and giving punishment to the students who is proven do not speak English in their conversation. SMA  BAKTI  select an English teacher as Mr. punishment. A punishment is the imposition of an undesirable or unpleasant outcome upon students. Mr. Punishment has responsibility in colleting the evidence card, calling the students in a punishment room and giving punishment. The punishment is something educated such as writing vocabularies, writing story, delivering a speech, retelling a story, telling an experience, memorizing English vocabulary and so on.

d. “Punishment” Room
 If the students disobey the rule, they would get the consequences. If there are students who violate they will be punished. Punishment room is needed to treat the students who disobey the rule. It is not like  a jail but a special room completed with facilities of English learning.

e. Evidence’s card
Evidence is something that furnishes proof or testimony. An evidence card is used to write the proof of the students who do not speak English. It is in the form of expressions or sentences. The evidence consists of the time and place where the students speak not in English.

f. Punishment Box
Punishment box is a small rectangular of wood, metal, cardboard, etc.,  with a lid or removable cover. The fuction isto keep the “Punishement cards”.  It is places in some palces in school.
            Those are the requirenments of designing  English Day’s School Culture in SMA BAKTI Ponorogo.  English day program will run well if the school really apply the rule.

            From the discussion above it can be concluded that  to design  English day as school culture in SMA BAKTI, it need some preparation like System regulation, Spy, Mr. “Punishment, “Punishment” Room, Evidence’s card, Punishment Box. Designing English day’s as school Culture is impossible without the rule of the headmaster, teachers and all of the components at school.  English day program will run well if the school really applies the rules.

Efianingrum, Ariefa. 2007. Kultur Sekolah yang Kondusif bagi Pengembangan Moral Siswa. Artikel Majalah Dinamika Pendidikan No.01/Th.IV Mei

Singarimbun, M. dan Effendi, S. (1989). Metode Penelitian Survey. Jakarta: LP3ES.

Zamroni. 2006.Paradigma pendidikan Masa Depan. Yogyakarta: BIDRAF Publishing

Making a Dream Book as a Media of Designing the Students’ Future, A Project Based Learning in SMAN I Badegan The purpose of writing this paper are: (1) Improve students' competence in writing and speaking about expressing Intention due to the social function, the structure of the text, and linguistic elements, which correct and appropriate to the context; (2) Improve students' motivation and confidence in designing dreams by making a dream book. Learning activities in the classroom consists of the following activities: observing, questioning, exploring, associating, and communicating. The implementation of this project was done in class X MIA 3 Academic Year 2016/2015. The numbers of students in this class were 26 students consisting of six male students and 20 female students. Learning activities carried out during one month, in August-September 2015. The learning activities carried out during the four meetings. From the results of the average score, the assessment by teachers, among fellow learner’s assessment and self-assessment showed that most students have good score in affective aspect. As for the assessment of cognitive, the average score in pre-test on writing about “of My Dream” was 64. The Score in writing (1) was 73.80 and writing (2) was 82.69. This indicated that it increase of 8.89%. The KKM is 75. There were two aspects considered in the skills aspect. They were dream book presentation and skill in making the product (dream book). The average score in presenting dream book was (76.60) means the students reached the limit of KKM. After conducting learning activities and giving a questionnaire at the end of the lesson, there, 100% students said that having a dream was book very important. 92.30% of students believe that they can get their dream, and 100% of students have dream book. With the success achieved in the learning activities, it is recommended as follows: (1) Making dream book can be used as an alternative media in teaching expressing intention material. (2) Teachers should create an interesting learning activities and fun for students. (3) It is important to help the students designing their future. Keywords: Dream Book, Designing the Future, expressing Intention, Project Based Learning

Making a  Dream Book as a Media of Designing the Students’ Future,
A Project Based Learning in SMAN I Badegan

The purpose of writing this paper are: (1) Improve students' competence in writing and speaking  about expressing Intention  due to the social function, the structure of the text, and linguistic elements, which correct and appropriate to the context; (2) Improve students' motivation and confidence in designing  dreams by making  a dream book.
Learning activities in the classroom consists of the following activities: observing, questioning, exploring, associating, and communicating. The implementation of this project was done in class X MIA 3 Academic Year 2016/2015. The numbers of students in this class were 26 students consisting of six male students and 20 female students. Learning activities carried out during one month, in August-September 2015. The learning activities carried out during the four meetings.
From the results of the average score, the assessment by teachers, among fellow learner’s assessment and self-assessment showed that most students have good score in affective aspect. As for the assessment of cognitive, the average score in pre-test on writing about “of My Dream” was 64. The Score in writing (1) was 73.80 and writing (2) was 82.69. This indicated that it increase of 8.89%. The KKM is 75.
There were two aspects considered in the skills aspect. They were dream book presentation and skill in making the product (dream book). The average score in presenting dream book was (76.60) means the students reached the limit of KKM.
After conducting learning activities and giving a questionnaire at the end of the lesson, there, 100% students said that having a dream was book very important.  92.30% of students believe that they can get their dream, and 100% of students have dream book.
With the success achieved in the learning activities, it is recommended as follows: (1) Making dream book can be used as an alternative media in teaching expressing intention material. (2) Teachers should create an interesting learning activities and fun for students. (3) It is important to help the students designing their future.

Keywords: Dream Book, Designing the Future, expressing Intention, Project Based Learning

Making Students Love English and English Teacher To Improve Learning Outcomes


English subject is an example of subjects that have a tendency to less favor by students. English contains material grammar, vocabulary and tenses are complex and difficult to memorize without practice. Departing from these facts, precise and accurate solution may be difficult to find. However, there are some important notes to keep us underline.
The expectations and desires of all teachers are to be liked by her students. Teacher who is loved by the students always waited their presence. If he is not coming in the class, students will try to find or ask. When the clock expired student still feels lcking to be taught, and so forth.
We believe that teachers have a lot to read, to know, how the solution so that students interested in a particular subject. However, we also understand, apply a multitude of solutions to problems in the theory of learning is not as easy as we imagine. That teachers face dynamic students that live and thrive in the midst of the development of increasingly sophisticated science. It might, knowledge of students over compared with the teacher, in the case of certain sciences.
Ideally, every student should be interested in all the subjects in school. At a certain level of education, the subjects have been arranged for various disciplines as listed in the curriculum structure. But the fact is not as ideal concepts that we want. There are students who are less or even not interested in a particular subject. The reason is quite diverse, as the lesson is hard to understand, a lot of formulas, many calculations, a lot of memorization, and many others. Not impossible that the cause of the lack of student interest in a particular subject, starting from the factors subject teachers administer these subjects.
Being a teacher who also preferred doesn’t mean to obey all the students want or desire. If the teacher wishes to obey all students may actually make out the objectives and activities of the learning process. Then how to become a teacher who is loved by his students? My presentation will talk about how to be favorite teacher.
   Educate or teach is not only regarded as a job or profession, more than that also interpreted as devotion and worship. My description can be used to know whether or not one is favored teacher.
Teachers should also conducting teaching and learning more meaningful. At the end of each school year, should seek input from students, according to what we as a shortage of teachers and what they want.

Key words: Making Students Love English, Love English Teacher,
      Improve Learning Outcomes






The existence of a course nowadays is the essential thing in society. For that reason, there are many courses available. However, there are also many course collapses because having no good management.  A good course must managing continuing operation so the existence of a course is guaranteed. 

To know how an English course managing its programs, the writer tries to analyze the excursion program in i-tutor as management component.


I-tutor.net is a course which is designed specially to fulfill the students’ needs in mastering English. Besides, i-tutor trains the students to have good attitude, morality, creativity, and independent.

I-tutor Ponorogo is located in Ruko Gajah Mada Kav. 8 Ponorogo. The chairman of i-tutor right now is Dedy Setiawan. The total group /classes are 2o. They are consisting of elementary, intermediate and advance level students.

The material in i-tutor is arranged based on the curriculum of Singapore Ministry of Education by the experts. In teaching,  i-tutor uses multimedia. The room is designed with cinema concept. Cinema concept is a room which is facilitated like a cinema in which students can watch a film, cartoon, and picture easily. Those will make t the student creative and smart.

The Cinema concept will build the character and self confidence. The target of cinema concept are: mentality, confident, good public speaker, value and message, good behavior, attitude, discipline, structured and comprehensive thinking, creative,-integrative, thinking skill, fun learning, activity based, affective-love and caring,  and psychometric.

The existence of i-tutor in Ponorogo is acknowledged by Ponorogo Society. That is why the writer chooses i-tutor to be analyzed. The management component chosen by the writer is planning activity and excursion program.


Planning an activity and excursion program in i-tutor is very important program and become a priority. Excursions are a valuable part of an international student’s educational program.  As much of a student’s learning occurs outside the classroom, excursions are a means of using resources to enhance and enrich student learning

An excursion is defined as an activity organized by a school (except work experience) whereby students leave the school grounds for the purpose of engaging in educational activities (including camps, adventure activities and sport).

Excursions is planned to support the student teaching and learning program. English Language Centre staff will supervise excursions from the Centre.

The aims of Excursion Program given to the students in order to: 

a.    learn in and out of class/school situations

b.    live and work in groups

c.     further develop social skills such as cooperation, tolerance, communication, individual and group interaction

d.    further develop their problem solving and life survival skills

e.    interact with adults and other students on a closer personal level than is normally achieved in the classroom situation

f.     extend understanding of their physical and cultural environment

g.    be involved in the decision making, planning, preparation and presentation processes associated with these opportunities

The advantages hoped by i-tutor in doing an excursion programs are:

  1. To provide opportunities for students with native or non-native speakers.
  2. To get relaxation and pleasure, as it is important to grow their language ability.
  3. To provide better chance for the students having limited time.
  4. To provide source of experience to discuss and exploit in class
  5. To generate income

In doing the excursion program, there are some disadvantages for the students of i-tutor, they are:

  1. Holiday syndrome
  2. Students think to have a professional standard services instead of learning language
  3. Students are reluctant to use a language in a larger group of foreign students
  4. Ineffective
  5. Income depends on the number of the students.

To overcome those disadvantages, i-tutor management considers in Planning Excursion Program. Some considerations are:

  1. Some possible activities
  2. Place
  3. Budget
  4. Safety guidelines for education outdoor
  5. Risk management
  6. Students management

Some possible activities planned by i-tutor are:

a.       English competitions (annual competition, intern competition, joining English completions)

b.      Evening events outside classroom

c.       Sports

d.      Holiday course program

e.      Outbound


The existence of a course nowadays is the essential thing in society. For that reason, there are many courses available. However, there are also many course collapses because having no good management.  A good course must managing continuing operation so the existence of a course is guaranteed. 

The existence of self-access centre of educational institution is very important because it is one of the facilities that can support the students’ success. Excursions is planned to support the student teaching and learning program and engage in educational activities (English competitions: annual competition, intern competition, joining English competitions), Evening events outside classroom, Holiday course program and Outbound




Oleh: Rustiani Widiasih

Menghadapi anak cari perhatian atau caper adalah sisi lain tugas yang melekat pada seorang guru. Ya, ketika seorang guru terjun ke kelas, guru tidak hanya menyampaikan materi pelajaran. Terlebih dari itu, guru harus juga  menghadapi berbagai karakter siswa yang beraneka ragam. Saya pun mengalaminya. Bahkan, hampir setiap tahun saya selalu menemukan siswa yang caper. Perlu waktu bagi saya untuk bisa mengatasi siswa yang caper. Semula saya merasa “risih” meladeni anak caper. Kini saya bisa mengatasinya dengan mudah.

Sikap Emosional Yang Menyesalkan

            Saya pernah mengatasi sikap siswa yang caper dengan cara yang ternyata tidak disukai siswa caper tersebut. Di kelas SMA yang saya ajar, terdapat seorang siswa caper. Sebut saja namanya Heru.  Setiap kali saya masuk kelas, Heru selalu membuat ulah. Suatu hari dia datang terlambat. Seharusnya dia segera masuk kelas begitu jam istirahat selesai. Namun, tampaknya dia  sengaja tidak segera masuk kelas. 

            Begitu dia masuk kelas dengan santainya, saya marah karena keterlambatannya ini bukan yang pertama kalinya. Saya merasa jengkel karena ulahnya menganggu siswa lain yang sedang serius belajar.  Untuk mengatasi caper Heru tersebut, saya justru melulunya (istilah Jawa, dalam bahasa Indonesia berarti memanjakam atau menuruti kemauan, atau tepatnya memberi lehih dari yang diminta). Saya mengatakan seperti ini:

 “Dari mana kamu, kok terlambat?” Heru menjawab dengan singkat, “Dari kantin, Bu.”

            “Apa sudah selesai makan? Kalau belum selesai boleh kok sekarang ke kantin lagi. Tidak apa-apa, kamu tidak akan saya hukum. Silakan saja. Besuk lagi kalau memang belum cukup waktumu istirahat, walaupun sudah bel masuk, teruskan saja beristirahat. Ini saya kasih uang untuk pergi ke kantin lagi. Jangan kembali sebelum pelajaran saya selesai!”

            “Tidak bu, saya ingin ikut pelajaran.”

            Dengan  “melulu” seperti itu,  Heru  terpakasa mengikuti pelajaran. Namun, setelah mulai pelajaran, dia tidak minat belajar. Hal tersebut terlihat dari keengganannya untuk mencatat dan mengerjakan latihan. Apalagi jika disuruh menulis jawabannya di papan tulis.  Sikapnya sungguh memancing emosi saya. Saya pun mengancam akan memberikan nilai di bawak KKM (Ketercapaian Ketuntasan Minimal). Dia sama sekali tidak takut atau khawatif dengan hal itu.

Guru siapa pun pasti akan marah jika menghadapi siswa seperti Heru. Kalau saya ibaratkan dalam istilah Jawa, dia ibarat “Di obong ora kobong, di guyur ora teles”. Maksudnya, setiap kata dan tindakan apa pun tidak bisa mengubahnya. Rupanya, Heru tidak hanya caper tetapi dia juga tidak memiliki motivasi untuk belajar. Permasalahannya semakin komplek.

Dalam keadaan emosi, saya berkata, “Kamu boleh tidak mengikuti pelajaran saya. Kalau kamu tidak ada di kelas ini, saya justru akan merasa senang karena tidak ada lagi yang akan membuat ulah dan menganggu pelajaran. Mulai sekarang kamu boleh tidak ikut palajaran saya. Mungkin memang tidak ada gunanya bagimu. Kalau kamu tetap ikut pelajaran saya, saya menganggap kamu tidak ada. Kamu memang lebih baik tidak ada daripada ada.” Setelah berkata seperti itu, bel ganti pelajaran berbunyi dan saya pun keluar kelas dengan menyimpan kejengkelan di hati.

            Begitu tiba di rumah, saya masih terbebani dengan apa yang dilakukan Rudi dan apa yang saya ucapkan padanya. Ada penyesalan yang sangat dalam hati saya. Betapa saya telah menyakiti hati seorang siswa.  Saya bertekad untuk mendekatinya dan meminta maaf keesokan harinya.

Mencari Alasan Siswa Caper

Hari berikutnya, saya memanggil Heru untuk meminta maaf. Saya tidak lagi dalam keadaan emosi. Secara personal saya berbicara dengan Heru di Ruang BK. Dengan tulus saya meminta maaf dan menyesali apa yang telah saya ucapkan. Ternyata Heru juga meminta maaf kepada saya. Benar juga kata orang,  tebing egoisme bisa luluh dengan kebesaran hari seseorang. Dengan sikap saya yang ramah dan tulus, Heru mau terbuka dengan saya. Saya bertanya dimana dia tinggal, berapa saudaranya, apa hobinya dan lain-lain. Saya juga menceritakan tentang saya dan keluarga saya. Dari percakapan itu timbullah ikatan emosional antaran guru dan siswanya. Percakapan kami menjadi hal yang sangat penting dalam hidup saya karena saya bisa mendengar penuturan, pendapat,dan pendangan dari segi siswa. Saya menjadi tahu bagaimana guru yang disengangi  siswa dan  tahu betapa mendesaknya saya untuk segera menghancurkan tembok egoisme saya sebagai guru.

Berdasarkan kesimpulan saya dari kasus Heru,  sifat caper disebabkan oleh berbagai hal. Pertama, siswa yang caper sebenarnya ingin diperhatikan oleh guru. Dia mencari perhatian agar mendapatkan perhatian lebih dari gurunya. Anak dengan jenis ini biasanya melakukan tingkah laku, ucapan ataupun gaya yang bisa menarik perhatian guru sehingga guru memperhatikannya. Bisa jadi, bagi guru yang tidak menyadari keadaan emosianal anak, caper dianggap sebagai sifat yang menjengkelkan karena guru tentu saja tidak bisa mengistimewakan salah satu siswanya.

            Alasan kedua anak bersikap caper adalah kerena ingin memperkenalkan dirinya. Dia ingin dikenal gurunya. Sebenarnya  anak seperti itu ingin kenal lebih dekat dengan gurunya karena beberapa alasan misalnya, guru tersebut memiliki kelebihan dibandingkan dengan guru lain atau guru tersebut memiliki kemiripan watak, sifat, atau wajah dengan sosok yang dikagumi siswa dalam hidupnya. Dan alasan inilah rupanya yang menyebabkan Heru ingin saya perhatikan lebih karena menurutnya saya seperti guru wali kelasnya dulu ketika dia masih di SMP.

Memperbaiki Hubungan

Hubungan yang baik antara guru dan siswa merupakan dasar dari proses pembelajaran yang menyenangkan. Apabila hubungan antara guru dan siswa tertanggu dan tidak baik, proses pembelajaran yang menyenangkan tidak tercapai. Alasan itulah yang mengharuskan saya memperbaiki hubungan dengan Heru. Saya berusaha buntuk menjadi guru yang guru memiliki kerpibadian yang positif, bersikap ramah, penyayang, sabar, ikhlas, dan sikap pisitif lainnya. Sikap tersebut jika dimasukkan dalam diri seseorang akan memancarkan  pesona yang menyenangkan (charming).

Saya mendapatkan banyak masukan dari Heru bahwa guru harus mengetahui keadaan emosional anak didiknya. Guru harus menyadari bahwa setiap anak adalah individu unik yang perlu mendapatkan perhatian. Sikap cari perhatian anak harus diatasi dengan memberi perhatian pada anak. Sejak saat itu, saya memanfaatkan  sikap caper siswa untuk menghidupkan suasana kelas. Anak caper akan senang jika dia dijadikan subjek sebagai contoh oleh guru. Dia akan senang jika namanya disebut oleh guru. Dia merasa istimewa jika guru menyebutkan namanya.

Sukadi* mengutip pendapat Norman Vincent peale dalam bukunya “berpikir apositif” bahwa:   Suara yang paling indah bagi seseorang  adalah   apabila namanya dikenal dan  disebut orang lain  dengan benar.

Jika guru mengenali siswa, maka siswa akan menyayangi guru. Mereka merasa senang karena  dikenal guru dan akan bergairah belajar. Sebaliknya, jika guru memanggil dengan sebutan yang tidak disukai siswa, siswa akan merasa sakit hati. Untuk itulah saya  harus selalu mengabsen siswa setiap kali  saya masuk kelas. Ini saya lakukan agar siswa merasa berarti keberadaanya di kelas. 

Tidak Mencela Siswa

Satu lagi, siswa merasa tidak nyaman  apabila dirinya dicela atau keburukannya dikomentari, apalagi di depan umum. Tanpa saya sadari, ternyata apa yang saya ucapkan dalam keadaan emosi kepada Heru menimbulkan dampak negatif. Menurut Sukadi*  ada beberapa keburukan  yang dapat ditimbulkan dari sikap dan perilaku guru yang suka mencela dan mengomentari keburukan siswanya di depan umum, yakni:

1.      Siswa merasa malu karena aibnya diberitahukan kepada orang lain

2.      Siswa menjadi minder atau merasa tertekan secara kejiwaan karena aibnya diketahui orang lain

3.      Siswa tidak hormat dan tidak respek  kepada guru yang suka mencela dan mengomentari keburukannya dirinya

4.      Siswa bisa bersikap dendam kepada guru

5.      Prestasi siswa mundur karena memikirkan dirinya yang sering dicela dan di komentari keburuknnya

6.      Siswa dapat berputus asa atau putus sekolah karena merasa tidak nyaman berada di sekolah

7.      Siswa tidak memiliki motivasi untuk belajar karena merasa dirinya sudah jelek seperti yang dikatekan oleh gurunya

Apa yang dirasakan siswa  dalam hatinya  akan bertahan lama sehingga mempengaruhi mentalitasnya. Betapa besarnya bahaya mencela atau mengomentari hal buruk dari siswa! Saya berusaha  untuk menghindari dan meninggalkan perilaku ini sejak mengetahui dampak tersebut.

Akhir Yang Menyenangkan

Pengalaman saya mengatasi Heru sungguh berarti bagi saya dalam menangani anak caper selanjutnya. Saya menyadari, anak caper tidak bisa dibiarkan begitu saja. Guru harus memberikan perhatian kepada anak caper. Guru tidak hanya bertugas mengajar saja tanpa mau peduli dengan keadaan siswa selain dalam proses belajar mengajar berlangsung.

Guru yang tidak mau peduli kepada siswanya menyebabkan tekanan psikologis bagi meraka. siswa merasa kurang diakui atau kurang diperhatikan oleh gurunya sehingga bisa jadi siswa mencari-cari  perhatian  dari gurunya karena merasa existensi dirinya kurang diakui. Jadi, cara paling efektif untuk mengatasi anak cari perhatian adalah dengan memberinya perhatian. Setuju?

*Sukadi. 2010. Guru Malas, Guru Rajin, Ramuan Ajaib Untuk Menjadi Guru yang Menyenangkan. Bandung: MQS Publishing.
