The existence of a course nowadays is the essential thing in society. For that reason, there are many courses available. However, there are also many course collapses because having no good management.  A good course must managing continuing operation so the existence of a course is guaranteed. 

To know how an English course managing its programs, the writer tries to analyze the excursion program in i-tutor as management component.


I-tutor.net is a course which is designed specially to fulfill the students’ needs in mastering English. Besides, i-tutor trains the students to have good attitude, morality, creativity, and independent.

I-tutor Ponorogo is located in Ruko Gajah Mada Kav. 8 Ponorogo. The chairman of i-tutor right now is Dedy Setiawan. The total group /classes are 2o. They are consisting of elementary, intermediate and advance level students.

The material in i-tutor is arranged based on the curriculum of Singapore Ministry of Education by the experts. In teaching,  i-tutor uses multimedia. The room is designed with cinema concept. Cinema concept is a room which is facilitated like a cinema in which students can watch a film, cartoon, and picture easily. Those will make t the student creative and smart.

The Cinema concept will build the character and self confidence. The target of cinema concept are: mentality, confident, good public speaker, value and message, good behavior, attitude, discipline, structured and comprehensive thinking, creative,-integrative, thinking skill, fun learning, activity based, affective-love and caring,  and psychometric.

The existence of i-tutor in Ponorogo is acknowledged by Ponorogo Society. That is why the writer chooses i-tutor to be analyzed. The management component chosen by the writer is planning activity and excursion program.


Planning an activity and excursion program in i-tutor is very important program and become a priority. Excursions are a valuable part of an international student’s educational program.  As much of a student’s learning occurs outside the classroom, excursions are a means of using resources to enhance and enrich student learning

An excursion is defined as an activity organized by a school (except work experience) whereby students leave the school grounds for the purpose of engaging in educational activities (including camps, adventure activities and sport).

Excursions is planned to support the student teaching and learning program. English Language Centre staff will supervise excursions from the Centre.

The aims of Excursion Program given to the students in order to: 

a.    learn in and out of class/school situations

b.    live and work in groups

c.     further develop social skills such as cooperation, tolerance, communication, individual and group interaction

d.    further develop their problem solving and life survival skills

e.    interact with adults and other students on a closer personal level than is normally achieved in the classroom situation

f.     extend understanding of their physical and cultural environment

g.    be involved in the decision making, planning, preparation and presentation processes associated with these opportunities

The advantages hoped by i-tutor in doing an excursion programs are:

  1. To provide opportunities for students with native or non-native speakers.
  2. To get relaxation and pleasure, as it is important to grow their language ability.
  3. To provide better chance for the students having limited time.
  4. To provide source of experience to discuss and exploit in class
  5. To generate income

In doing the excursion program, there are some disadvantages for the students of i-tutor, they are:

  1. Holiday syndrome
  2. Students think to have a professional standard services instead of learning language
  3. Students are reluctant to use a language in a larger group of foreign students
  4. Ineffective
  5. Income depends on the number of the students.

To overcome those disadvantages, i-tutor management considers in Planning Excursion Program. Some considerations are:

  1. Some possible activities
  2. Place
  3. Budget
  4. Safety guidelines for education outdoor
  5. Risk management
  6. Students management

Some possible activities planned by i-tutor are:

a.       English competitions (annual competition, intern competition, joining English completions)

b.      Evening events outside classroom

c.       Sports

d.      Holiday course program

e.      Outbound


The existence of a course nowadays is the essential thing in society. For that reason, there are many courses available. However, there are also many course collapses because having no good management.  A good course must managing continuing operation so the existence of a course is guaranteed. 

The existence of self-access centre of educational institution is very important because it is one of the facilities that can support the students’ success. Excursions is planned to support the student teaching and learning program and engage in educational activities (English competitions: annual competition, intern competition, joining English competitions), Evening events outside classroom, Holiday course program and Outbound


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