Suggestion and Offer in Various Context 1

Suggestion and Offer in Various Context
(Saran dan Tawaran dalam berbagai Konteks)
By: Rustiani Widiasih

Objectives (Tujuan)

·       Analyzing social function and language features in expressing suggestion and offer (menganalisis fungsi sosial dan struktur bahasa dalam mengungkapkan saran dan tawaran)
·       Giving offer and suggestion to people around about solving problem in various situation (Memberikan tawaran dan saran kepada orang di sekitar dalam menyelesaikan masalah ada berbagai situasi)

One Sunday morning, Jane was sitting in the porch as she saw her friend, Bella, passing by. “Where are you going, Bella?” she asked. “I’m going to the groceries; I need to buy some tomatoes,” Bella answered. “Why don’t you buy some organic tomatoes from me? I grow some vegetables, and the tomatoes are ready to harvest,” she said.“Well, that sounds good,” replied Bella. “How much is one kilogram?” “A dollar for one kilo, please,” said Jane. “I need five kilograms, but it is just too expensive,” Bella explained. “What’s your offer?” asked Jane. How about three dollars for five kilograms?” Bella tried to bargain. Jane was thinking before saying, “Well, that sounds good. Let’s get them for you.”
What did Jane mean when she asked? “Why don’t you buy some organic tomatoes from me?”
According to the passage, Bella said “How about three dolars for five kilograms?” What does it mean?

EXPLANATION (Penjelasan)

Giving suggestion and offer are very common in our daily life. We often give suggestion and offer to our friends and families when they need information/ help/ solution to the situation / problem they face off. In this lesson you will learn to give suggestion and offer in the various settings of school life and family.

·      Ketika seseorang meminta saran
·      Ketika kita mengetahui penyelesaian dari permasalahan seseorang
·      Ketika kita tidak bisa memberikan bantuan tetapi kita tetap ingin membantu

·      Ketika seseorang meminta bantuan kita
·      Ketika kita bisa memberikan tanggapan yang cepat terhadap masalah seseorang
·      Ketika kita ingin memberikan bantuan

1. Brother: Is it okay if I and my friends go rafting tomorrow? (Bagaimana kalau saya dan teman-teman melakukan arum jeram besuk?
You : I suggest you not to go because the river is flooding. (Saya menyarankan kamu tidak pergi karena sungai nya banjir)
2. Anita: My motorcycle won’t start. (Sepeda motor saya tidak bisa dihidupkan)
You : Let me see. I guess you should push your engine stop (coba saya lihat. Saya kira kamu menekan mesin berhenti)
Anita: Ohh thank you I forgot to turn it off. (Oh terimakasih saya lupa menyalakannya)
3. Teacher: Could you find me a kitten? I want to have a pet (bisakah kamu mencarikan anak kucing? Saya ingin memiliki hewan piaraan)
You : I am sorry Sir I don’t have any cat. But I could ask Irman to give you one. (Maaf pak saya tidak mempunyai kucing. Tapi saya bisa meminta Imram memberikan kepada bapak)
Teacher: Does he have kittens?  (apakah dia punya banyak anak kucing?)
You : Yes he does, he is a true cat lover. (Ya, dia pecinta sejati kucing)
4. Uncle: Could you help me to catch that fish? (Bisakah kamu membantuku menangkap ikan itu?)
You : Ok I’ll take the net. (Baik, saya akan mengambil jaring)
5. Tiara: I think my flash disk is infected by a virus. My presentation file isn’t detected. (Saya kira flash disk saya terinfeksi virus. File presentasi saya tidak terdeteksi)
You : Give it to me and I’ll clean it within a minute. (berikan kepada saya dan saya akan membersihkannya sebentar)
6. You : Excuse me Mam, let me help you to bring your bag into the classroom? (Permisi bu, saya bantu membawa tas Ibu ke kelas)
Teacher: Ohh thank you. You’re so kind (oh terimakasih. Kamu baik sekali)

·      Saya pikir…
·      Saya menyarankan…
·      Saya kira…
·      Anda harus…
·      Akan lebih baik jika Anda…
·      Biar saya bantu Anda untuk…
·      Saya akan…/ saya bisa…
·      Bisakah saya…?
·      Mengapa Anda tidak mengatakan kepada saya untuk…/ tentang…

More examples:
  • I suggest you to go to the doctor (saya menyarankan kamu pergi ke dokter)
  • Can I take you to the doctor?  (Bisakah saya mengantar kamu ke dokter)
  • I will find a doctor for you (Saya akan carikan dokter untukmu)
  • I think this drink isn’t healthy. We can throw it in the dustbin. (Saya kira minuman ini tidak sehat. Kita buang di tempat sampah saja)
  • Why don’t you ask me to clean the mess? (mengapa kamu tidak meminta saya membersihkan


 I Think you should buy the blue one
Thanks for the advice, but I really need the money
Let's go bowling tonight.
4. ………………………………………………….
Sounds like a good idea. Where do you want to go
Why don't you come with me to China?


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